Kryeministri Edi Rama ka publikuar në rrjetin e tij social “X” lajmin për nisjen e një linje direkte fluturimi Shqipëri-Izrael.
Rama thotë se ky është një lajm fantastik për vendin tonë, ndërsa thekson se një e ardhme e përbashkët bashkëpunimi dhe respekti reciprok mund të çojë në mundësi të jashtëzakonshme për të dy vendet.
“Ky është një lajm fantastik për forcimin e mëtejshëm të lidhjeve mes Izraelit dhe Shqipërisë”, shkruan kryeministri Rama.
EDI RAMA/ This is wonderful news for strengthening further the ties between Israel and Albania! Direct flights not only make travel more convenient but also open doors for cultural exchange, tourism, and business opportunities. The historical bond between the two nations, including Albania’s heroic role in sheltering Jews during World War II, is a foundation for a deeper connection. Encouraging Israelis to explore Albania’s breathtaking landscapes, vibrant traditions, and growing economy will undoubtedly foster stronger friendships and partnerships. A shared future of collaboration and mutual respect can lead to incredible opportunities for both countries. Here’s to many unforgettable memories and a flourishing friendship AL -ISR Grateful to an exceptional man, an inspiring leader, and my dear friend@Isaac_Herzogfor bringing with him to Albania an outstanding group of Israeli entrepreneurs and for his encouraging words to the Jewish business community, urging them to see Albania as a brotherly land of opportunities.